Remember Gravelle's recent speech about...wanting to release the Ontario growth plan before Christmas ...but then...deciding due to municipal electioins and new majors coming on board he would wait until they were settled in. He mentioned, he'd release the growth plan AFTER all the inside folks had a chance to see it and review. Well, looks like it was detailed and discussed last Friday. Now we wait to see when the "rest of us", will get the details. Gravelle previously mentioned he was KEEN on releasing it.
NOLUM identify and agree on next steps.
Following the meeting last Friday for the Northern Ontario Large Urban Mayors, the key issue of the Northern Ontario Growth Plan was foremost on the agenda. The plan was introduced by the provincial government four years ago and according to Timmins Mayor Tom Laughren, the plan is expected for a launch before the provincial elections. Of major concern as well is that funding has not materialized for the initiative yet and the fear expressed is funding may come from the pre-existing dollars from the NOHFC. Other concerns on the agenda included energy costs, transportation issues, potential benefits from the Ring of Fire project and a platform to present to the political candidates for the next provincial election.
Last Updated on Thursday, 10 February 2011 08:36
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